My roommates and I agreed that we would not exchange gifts this year. This was good for all of us because we are lucky to have enough money for necessities.
Christmas eve, A and I were hanging out in the kitchen when J came home. He called us into the front room. Low and behold- there was a present there for all of us!!!!!!!

I really had no idea that I was still capable of squealing like a little girl and dancing around the room like I had just got a pony.
The name of our band is VernisChious Cannid. The members are headed by the spicy in pink Taco on guitar, goat rootin' around on bass, and the man who likes to bang on pots, daRt on drums. Rockin' in the free world!!!!

This is a pic of my friend Kimm. He is holding a real guitar he got for xmas. ROCK ON!
Sweet!! It is a lot of fun....wish my coordination worked better for the drums though. I just can't get my foot and hands to work together at the same time! :)
Yeah!!! It's a Merry Rocking Christmas for all!!! Party at goats. I'll bring the Natty!!!
i am lucky cause i started playing it last xmas. i can play a majority of songs on bass/hard now.
lovin' IT!!!!
Sorry. That last Anonymous post was from me.
Hey Ty! love you baby!
Haha! Santa brought this for the kiddos (along with the Wii and a couple of other games). So nice of him - Rory and I have been up late several nights cuz we can't get a turn on it during the day :)
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