I saw this quiz on a friends blog. It made me think about things (physical, spiritual and mental) and what I hold as important in my life.
All About Things Quiz
1. One thing I'd grab if my house were on fire......
My backpack. It has my wallet and calender, a good book or two and usually my phone, ipod and tarot cards in it. All the rest is just stuff, replaceable. Yes the back is replaceable too, as is the stuff in it.
2. One thing I wish I could throw away.....
3. One thing I'll never ever throw away.....
I don't think I can answer this, there may come a time when its an "all or nothing" kind of deal. The interesting thing about these questions is that it isn't all in the physical context.I am a human being, ever changing and growing. there may come a time when what serves me now, is no longer needed, no matter how precious.
4. Something I lost and still miss.....
5. Something I've kept since childhood.....
A sense of fair play
6. A food item I never run out of.....
Top Raman. its cheap!
7. A household brand I'm very loyal to.....
8. Something I sleep with every night.....
A nest of pillows. Beats sleeping alone...
9. One thing that's on my wish list.....
A Honda Shadow, brand new and lifetime of free fuel
10. Something I take with me wherever I go.....
11. Something that makes me smile when I see it.....
Any sunrise
12. Something my children fight over.....
13. Something I hate to clean.....
I am by no means a neat freak but I can't really think of anything I absolutely hate to clean. Cleaning is just one of those things that has to be done but I don't hate it.
14. Something I show off when people visit.....
Anything I have been working on. This may include but is not limited to, jewelry, woodburning projects, various and sundry other stuff and this blog.
15. Something I hide when people visit.....
Nothing that isn't already hidden
16. Something I'm embarrassed to admit I like.....
If you know me, you know that I am not embarrassed to admit much so this question is kind of moot for me...
17. Something I collect.....
Sticks, wooden boxes, bits of junk to make jewelry out of. Honestly I am a magpie
18. Something I avoid at all costs.....
Contact with most of my exes
19. Something that reminds me of my mother.....
Strangely enough, my laugh
20. The best gift I've ever received.....
LIFE! ain't it grand?
The Monkey Man gets wet for a cause
10 years ago
You snagged this off of Kari's blog, eh? Nice answers sis. I love you!
Ha - Love your answers. Thanks for playing - all the losers I tagged didn't do anything with it :)
LOL! are you sure, you can only imagine how crazy i may become by the time of the election
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